Know your rights and responsibilities!

Participating in an off-campus, non-clinical activity this semester? Make sure you've signed our Student Acknowledgement of Protocols for VCU Experiential Learning Activities (Non-Clinical)

Supporting student participation and intended outcomes

VCU’s Relevant, Experiential, and Applied Learning Initiative (REAL) was established by presidential direction in 2017 to ensure that every student engages in high-quality, transformative, career-building activities as part of their VCU education. REAL builds on VCU’s investment in student success and positive post-graduation outcomes.

There are three established barriers to student participation in high-level career-focused activities:

  • Financial barriers
  • Information equity 
  • Disconnection between academic studies and knowledge of career options

These barriers have a disproportionate impact on first-generation and Pell-eligible students, who comprise a significant proportion of VCU’s student body. 

In order to address these barriers, the following parameters must be considered:

  • Sustainable internship funding
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Academic and career advising
  • NACE Curriculum integration
  • Internship support

Among undergraduate seniors about to graduate or within six months following graduation:

  • 56% reported that they participated in internships while at VCU
  • 81% reported that they engaged in experiential learning while attending VCU
  • 16% the percentage more likely that they were able to be employed full-time within six months of graduation if they participated in an internship

High-impact experiential learning will continue to be an increasingly important priority in an economy where full-time roles do not require a bachelor’s degree to secure and advance are steadily decreasing. Employers are making entry-level hires often by making interns convert to full-time employees. With internship funding, support, and accessible career-related resources, more students will be able to create a pathway to post-graduate positions. VCU students will then acquire a greater advantage in the competitive 21st-century job market.